Kherson liberation

Since March, Kherson was occupied by the Russians, but after 8 months it changed. Ukrainian forces swept into the city on Friday, which caused Russian troops to withdraw towards the east. The citizens still have no running water, no internet access, and very little power. But even so, the mood in the city is upbeat. Right now Ukrainian authorities are trying to get back the city's previous, normal life. Everybody's on the board with their duties, the most important one is to clean the city out of mines. Also, Inhabitants who have fled Kherson are recommended not to return back till stabilisation actions are completed, according to authorities.

It is a huge tactical and moral advantage. It enables ZSU to plan further strategic actions in this region, still larger part of the Kherson region is in Russia's hands. And also it will buoy Ukrainians' morals whereby dampening Russians' down. It is a great success but unfortunately, the war still is a thing. We can only keep our fingers crossed for more accomplishments like this and hope for the end of this misery. 



  1. There are various comments about the Russian withdrawal from the city, some claiming that it was part of a secret deal between the two armies. Anyway, the war is far from over and unless Putin is defeated and humiliated, no peace treaty will be certain to work.


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