Tashkent world championships

 Presently judo world championships take place in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. For four more days we can see competitors from around the world contesting for a podium place. Out of all categories, women's -63kg draws the attention. Clarisse Agbegnenou's absence left a space that had to be filled. And today, October 9th, Megumi Horikawa - a Japanese judoka - took her position by placing first, winning every single fight she had. But also here and now is a special day because our countrywoman, Angelika Szymańska, settled on 5th place out of 41 possible.

Angelika's great success is delightful and charming, unfortunately, in polish judo, this type of accomplishment is not something common. But I hope that in the future achievements like this will be on the agenda. Besides this, the Japanese showed us again that they are dominating this sport by winning nine medals by far, mostly gold ones. The second nation is Mongolia which has won overall 3 medals. I can't wait to see other categories, in which Poles compete and maybe hit a home run.

Source: https://www.ijf.org/news/show/63kg-a-slow-combustion


  1. The woman who is absent, her name sounds Turkish. Where is she from?

    1. Clarisse actually lives in and represents France but she was born to Togolese parents. And on another subject our another fellow countrywoman placed 3rd earning medal for us as a country.


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