New photos of our universe

 Not so long ago, NASA launched a new project. James Webb Space Telescope is a younger brother of the Hubble Space Telescope, and it is doing a terrific job of exploring and photographing the cosmos. Since 2021, that's when it got into service, this brand-new telescope has provided us with plenty of beautiful photos of fabulous outer space. And recently the JWST captured a highly detailed picture of the memorable Pillars of Creation - initially popularised by images taken by NASA's older telescope in 1995 - in that latest image we can see a spot where new stars are forming within dense clouds of gas and dust. During its work time, JWST took a great many photos of other incredible things in the universe. Such as the Tarantula Nebula or Phantom Galaxy. 

This enterprise opens doors to research and exploration of the cosmos. Because of the further outlook, we can observe new and interesting things that will help us in understanding how phenomenons or heavenly bodies originate and develop. Also, all these images please the eye, those pictures of outer space are just gorgeous and stunning. I think that the Pillars of Creation is the most marvelous photo so far. And it's amazing that in one picture you can distinguish many different interpretations, I can't decide whether it's a hand or a galloping horse. 

                              Hubble Telescope                                                         Webb Telescope



  1. Not galloping horses but clouds of gas then. Humans have a tendency to see patterns and interpret images as something the have already seen before. This is nothing like what we've seen before!


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