The USA stands up for Taiwan

 The situation between China and Taiwan was difficult. And now when the USA took a stand in Taiwan's case it is getting even more severe. Recently there was a meeting between China and US foreign ministry in which they discussed American interference in Taiwan's independence. In a statement following the meeting, China's foreign ministry stated that the US was sending "very wrong, dangerous signals" on Taiwan, and the more rampant Taiwan's independence activity, the less likely a peaceful solution would be.

This tense status of the thing can lead to a new cross-national conflict. Also, China not excluding using force to take over Taiwan and further US intervention means that the situation is very fragile. Even the smallest decision can possibly cause critical and tragic outcomes. The current state of affairs can be compared to the situation that took place in 2014 when the Russian Federation annexed Crimea. We can not let that happen again, people who live there should have the right to decide what is best for them.



  1. The Taiwanese clearly don't want to be joined with continental China and their preference should count more than the US or Chinese interests.


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