Zeus was an experience god who faced many problems, he fought with Titans, Giants, and Typhon - the youngest son of Gaea. After leading to victory against Titans Zeus became the supreme god. He didn't expect that someone would betray his authority. But because of his insistence, arrogance, unfaithfulness, and ruling world alone gods under Hera's leadership decided to turn on the supreme god. Under the cover of darkness, gods came to Zeus' room and chained him to his bed with powerful gold chains made by Hephaestus. After this uprising gods almost started the next fight - everyone, besides Hestia, wanted to be Crown Prince. The daughter of Nereus knew that this new conflict will lead to chaos all over the world. Therefore she went to Briareus, one of the Hecatoncheires, his loyalty to Zeus was so strong that he went to Olympus and released the god of thunder. Other gods because of being afraid of Zeus' strength and anger surrendered. Of course, the supreme god didn't let it go and he punished rebellious gods. 



  1. Apart from the myths themselves, it would be interesting to see how they affected the people who believed in them. What customs and traditions did they generate? Did they lead to any wars or peacful activity?


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