Different mythologies have different explanations of how the world began. In Mayan mythology,
in the beginning, there were 2 gods, Tepeu the Maker and Gugumatz the Feathered Spirit, existing in the pitch-black darkness. One day they came together and created the world. Whatever they thought came into being, they thought "Earth" the land formed beneath them. Then they thought of trees, water, sky, mountains, etc. After creating the Earth they decided that they need beings who will praise them and who will look after their creation. That's how different species of animals appeared but these couldn't praise creators. Disappointed makers agreed to make better beings -menkind. Unfortunately, the first two attempts failed but after that, they created four perfect men, they were made of white corn. But they were a little bit too perfect. Therefore gods removed some of the men's vision so they won't see as well as them. Also, the makers made four women to company them. And that's how it all began.      


Origin stories are always something interesting to read, aren't they?




  1. What's up with worsening the men's vision? What exactly did the gods not want the men to see well?


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