Before writing about mythologies around the world, we need some introduction. So mythology is a type of storytelling that every civilization has or had, those stories try to help us understand our origins and how everything around us works, they were kind of science - primitive science. The name comes from 2 Greek words mythos for story-of-the-people and logos for word or speech. While some of it may be factual, others are fictional that's why we should interpret them more like using them as historical facts. So the things that distinguish myths from stories are two major features significance and staying power. Also nowadays the word myth has a completely different meaning than it used to be. Right now we use it to say something is not true, but for our ancestors, myths were genuine and important.

Mythology is a hard thing to explain in one post, therefore I'll try to draw close this topic to you later. 

source: https://youtu.be/HeX6CX5LEj0


  1. The topic has potential as myths are omnipresent. But the really exciting stuff is the myths themselves: the stories, their symbolic value, how they helped shape cultures and states. So don't spend too much time on abstract definitions.


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